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tv   New Day With Alisyn Camerota and John Berman  CNN  June 21, 2018 2:59am-4:01am PDT

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they talk about how important it is to take the six weeks to be the example to men and women to take time for the baby. i'm christine romans. >> i'm ryan nobles. "new day" starts right now. >> we are going to keep families together, but the border will be just as tough. >> this is a crisis the president created. then he said he fix said it. but he didn't really fix it. >> agencies have no idea what to do with these 2,000 plus kids that we have. >> we want to ensure placement with relatives, sponsors. >> we should take a look in the mirror. are we still the united states of america? >> this is "new day" with alisyn camerota and john berman. welcome to the united states and around the world. 6:00 in new york.
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alisyn is off. erica hill was with me. it's been three weeks with alisyn and she already needs a break from me. after first choosing to separate parents from children at the border, the president reversed course signing an executive order to keep it from happening. so he stepped in to alleviate the situation he created a situation, by the way, he claimed for days he could not fix. clearly, that was not true. as you try to wrap your head around that, the most pressing is what happens to the more than 2,300 children already separated from their parents. one administration officials says pretty much nothing. the government would not work to get them back to their parents. another will try. 2,300 children waking up in limbo. >> all of this as the house is expected to vote on two immigration bills today. the white house launching its most aggressive effort since
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health care on capitol hill in hopes of securing funding for the president's border wall. what exactly is in these bills? is there any solution for the families separated at the border? we'll get into that. plus, president trump didn't have much to say at a rally in minnesota last night, instead praising north korean dictator kim jong-un, taking aim again at senator john mccain. and the president bragging he's more elite than the elite. a lot to discuss. we begin with abby phillip live at the white house. abby, good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning, erica. president trump did in fact, reverse course on the family separation policy. but now this policy is going to face some new implementation challenges and also potential legal challenges. the administration is struggling to explain what happens now, how this policy will be implemented. more importantly, what happens to the families who have already been separated at the border. >> we're going to keep families together, but the border is
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going to be just as tough as it's been. >> reporter: president trump defending his decision to reverse his policy separating families at the border, insisting it solved the issue created by his own administration. >> we don't like to see families separate said. at the same time, we don't want people coming in illegally. this solves the problem. >> reporter: what will happen to the 2,300 children who have already been separated from their parents? the executive order changed nothing for the children already in its care. but the agency later walking the statement back saying the spokesman misspoke, noting it is still very early and we are awaiting further guidance on the matter. the statement leaving open the possibility that the children could be connected with a relative or appropriate sponsor. but the existing sponsorship program does not require any to
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reunite the children with their parents. >> they are working always to be in touch with the parents for placement with relatives or to ensure they can go to the parents if released. >> reporter: the onus is on the parents to find the children. if you do not provide all the information, it's possible that we will not be able to designate the sponsor of your choice for the care of your child. this process further complicated by the fact that the children have been sent to facilities across the united states, like this agency in new york city. >> this policy is so fundamentally broken to begin with that kids are being sent thousands of miles away from their parents. >> reporter: they could do nothing to stop the family separations, said the president.
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>> you can't do it through an executive order. >> it is congress's job to change the law. >> congress and the courts created this problem, and congress alone can fix it. >> reporter: sources tell cnn that even his political allies were questioning his heart and his about-face caught some of the closest aides off guard. they will continue to be prosecuted but families will be housed together where appropriate and consistent with the law and available resources. the order signals the wish to detain chiropractor who come with family indefinitely rather than being released within three weeks. a change that would require approval from an appellate court. approval that experts say will be an uphill battle. so after saying for days the administration could do nothing about this policy, the president's decision to issue this executive order was made a lot easier by the fact that congress seems poised to reject
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two immigration bills that he had been pushing them to pass this week. they are expected to vote on those bills today, john and erica. >> abby phillip at the white house, thanks so much. there are a number of important legal questions really unanswered legal questions. will this executive order hold. can the government keep these families together in detention indefinitely? cnn's laura jarrett shraoeuf in washington with the latest. >> reporter: officials in the trump administration for days have said they're simply enforcing the laws on the books. but the law is actually quite complicated. to understand why, you have to go all the way back to a settlement agreement from 1997, often referencing the so-called flores agreement. even up to last year, children can only be held in detension for 20 days. in fact, this is the whole reason they were separated in the first place. now the justice department will
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ask for that rule to be modified to allow children and parents to be detained together. those could easily extend beyond 20 days. what if the court doesn't agree? they hope congress will intervene to keep them together more permanently. but the votes on that are anything but certain. president trump's executive order doing little to ease the anxiety from parents already separated from their children. this comes as we are learning more about the tender age shelters housing babies and toddlers. nick va lens ya is live in brownsville, texas with more. nick, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. we still have no clarification as to how these families will go about being reunited. officials are scramble to go figure it out as well. as you can imagine, there is a large amount of skepticism that it will happen at all. a man is in detention from
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honduras. the 3-year-old was escorted by two immigration officials to go to the bathroom. that's the last time he saw his son. he hopes immigration kept records of the two so they can later be reunited. he thinks the executive order is a good thing but he said he will believe it when he sees it. a p.r. effort is showing these children are being held in good conditions. no matter how good the conditions are, waking up this morning with 2,300 child migrants that would much rather be with mom and dad. >> what happens to those 2,300 children? what happens? how can there not be an answer to that question? joining us now is maggie haberman. i know you had the lead story in the "times" and you were up late revising several times because the answer of the 2,300 children
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keeps changing. at first we were told nothing happens. >> that's right. at first we were told nothing happens. then we are told they are trying to reunite the families. there is no explanation of how this might happen. there's no look at how long this could take. what the process is. parents have been saying they are given no information on how to locate their children. that does not appear to have changed. look. clearly, the president was trying to get the heat off himself with this executive order. it raised a ton of additional questions, including why say for weeks you couldn't do it this way when you did do it this way. why say this was not your policy when clearly this is your policy. he frankly got off a bit easy yesterday. he didn't need an executive order. he could have told tjust told t.
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that is this president's choice. and then the question is how much media attention i think remains on this now that he has signed the executive order. that will go a long way. how much pressure to reunite parents with their kids. >> because this all seemed to come about so a broughtly. he doesn't like the way this is being portrayed. how could reunification not even be a part of this? >> my sense of the reporting this was done so haphazardly that certainly the question came up, but nobody had the answer. the goal was get a draft of an executive order. white counsel had serious concerns because he knew this was going to pave the way to a court challenge that he wasn't sure it would sustain. that is what the president decided, we will let the courts figure this out. this is a president who spent years for condemning barack
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obama for using executive orders to get out of a problem. gop held congress, his own party, he went to speak to house members the other day. people left with different impressions as to whether he was endorsing one bill or another or anything at all. until he is actually clear on this, one of the hallmarks in his campaign and presidency is trying to lead different groups, thinking he agrees with them. he tried to split this way too fine on a an issue with a huge painful humanitarian component. he has been telling people don't believe what you see. believe me. but he finally met his match. >> how is it he could not have considered the picture is not going away if you don't reunite these 2,300 kids.
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how did he ultimately come to flip on this? >> there's a lot of questions that still remain. it's not clear who told him it could only be done by the courts. we know his wife and daughter had been putting pressure on him. we also know, let's be clear here, house republicans, again, the house. the house map is daunting for republicans to keep control of the house. the one thing this president has been receptive to for a long time is the idea that if democrats take over the house, mr. president, this will hurt you. so that was a big part of the case that was made. there was a sense after the kirjsten nielsen briefing at the white house with reporters, that did not go well. >> he loved it. others did not. she ended up becoming the face of this, which people who support kirjsten nielsen such as john kelly, the chief of staff, and the white house, did not appreciate. >> again, we know how haphazard
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this was. as you point out the tick-tock is not even clear at this point. again, with the legal challenges that will now be presented, the president could end up being vindicated saying, see, look, i told you. it will get thrown to congress. you have to do this. you have to fix this mess. even though he created the mess. >> if he says, look, i was vindicated. it is true that the congress sets the laws of the land. but it is true there is a variety of interpretation into how these laws are applied. he has chosen a very draconian approach. and he has sought to blame democrats. some of this accelerated because there are more crossings. but he blew up at a cabinet meeting at kirjsten nielsen,
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angered her and humiliated her saying there was not enough to deter. if the president wants to someone, it is clear who he he can blame but he never blames himself. it. >> was a choice. own it. defend it. it was a choice. just make it clear. >> that's right. if this is your policy, this is your policy. defend it on the merits or not. but he is not doing that at all. this is his policy. he is saying it really isn't my policy. whatever you're seeing here, that isn't really what you're seeing. that has been his practice the whole time. how you can listen to the audio of the children crying and not realize how disastrous -- >> is the ivanka thing real? >> it is real. you are correct. we have seen repeated practice of more often hinges didn't
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happen. she was certainly not the only voice talking to him about this. but she was one of them. and i think it took noise to get him to move. >> do we know how long, though? as soon as you see those pictures, as soon as you hear that audio, you would think it would start emotion. >> i think it's been the last couple of weeks. i'm not sure if jeff merkley had not tried to go into one of these and not been admitted, i'm not sure how much attention this would be getting. that helped galvanize it. >> the fact that they were lying about the fact that they didn't choose this. >> it was already in motion at that point. you were already seeing pictures of children and hearing the stories of children being taken from their families. it helped keep the attention. it's worth remembering we're talking about a pretty narrow window of time. two weeks or so. i think it has become politically unsustainable, to your point, the fact that nobody could get on the same page about
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what this policy even was. kirjsten nielsen having said it was not a policy. they used the word deterrent a year and a half ago. they have created enormous problems for themselves. it is important not to make it just a political problem. there are 2,300 kids who are not with their families who will most likely, just based on history, terrible scars from all of this. there are people on different sides of the immigration debate who are going to say, some people who feel strongly that there needs to be stricter enforcement at the border. but processing it this way and doing it this way is unimaginable. >> if you're trying to prove you have a heart here, and the president has tried to make that statement the last 12 hours or so, i don't understand how you can't have a plan for the 2,300 children. >> i don't understand how you can say i didn't like the sight and feel of this.
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what did you think was going to happen when you said cause these separations? it was not going to be pretty. >> how much did the president understand before we move forward with this. >> and we'll never know the answer. people in the white house have a clear ideological position. he wants to do these things but not be held accountable. >> maggie, stick around. we have you for another segment. the president barely brought up immigration. it is one of the things he typically talks about most in a rally. why is that? what is the president most upset about here? is it possible that the immigration debate is distracting from what he really wants to focuses on. sleep disturbances keep 1 in 3 adults up at night.
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president trump only briefly addressing his executive order to end family separations at a rally in minnesota last night. though in that moment stressing he remains tough on the border. >> so we're keeping families together, and this will solve that problem. at the same time, we are keeping a very powerful border. and it continues to be a zero tolerance. we have zero tolerance for people that enter our country illegally. >> so the president there of course yesterday afternoon, actually before he made his way to minnesota. while he was there, trust us, there was not a lot said about
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immigration. back with us, maggie haberman. how surprising is it that the president did not, maggie, use this opportunity with a very friendly crowd where we know he likes to talk immigration and he likes to talk about how tough he is to play up what he had just done? >> well, because he didn't feel that good about it. as we know, this is a president who says different things to different groups of people in the hopes of letting each one hear what they want to hear. that crowd does not want to hear he did something that was a compromise, in his mind, earlier in the day the same briefing with reporters you just showed. you don't want to look pathetically weak. i don't think he is feeling very good about what he did. i don't think he wants to remind this crowd of what he did. he focused on staying tough at the border. you won't hear him talk about this great act of saving that he did. this is a crisis that he created and then came in as the mop-up crew. but then this is not a clean
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moment for him. and he is clearly aware of that. >> it's interesting. donald trump jr. had a tweet. i can't believe we're not talking about north korea. it was only a week ago. you got the sense that the president would love to be talking about kim jong-un at this rally in duluth. listen to this. >> they stopped shooting missiles over japan. they stopped all nuclear testing. they stopped nuclear research. they stopped rocketry. they stopped everything that you would want them to stop. and they blew up sites where they test and do the testing. [ applause ]. >> all of those things did in fact, happen largely before his summit. he also said in this rally, he had denuclearization, which is not the case. >> no. he keeps trying to wish that into existence. he tweeted there is no more
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threat. you can all sleep safely. that is just not true. and it's not responsible to say something like that. it is true that is what he would rather talk about. he is highly focused on trying to achieve something doable and sustainable with north korea. if he did do that, that would be an enormous accomplishment. people feel even having this summit, it certainly has its critics, but he is attempting to broker peace. he got praise from south korea for doing so. we are a long way from a final product here. again, yes, the president would rather be talking about that. we are talking about a policy he created. he could have done something about it many days earlier, as is often the case with this president. he is his own worst enemy. this is yet another example. >> also in terms of things that he would rather be talking about. >> right. >> the ig report. >> yes. >> he believes, which had nothing to do with collusion, but it did all of these wonderful things for the president himself. yet it keeps going back to immigration, which is fascinating the tweet from his son too. this again is caused by the
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president himself. >> look, a number one focused detention is not this president's calling card. so he tends to be all over the place anyway. he is unable to sustain focus on something. that is not a surprise. immigration is one of these issues where people on both sides of the issue have very strong feelings about it. it is a complicated issue. it is not a magic wand issue, which is how he has tried to milwaukee it sound. if you do something like what he did with these border separations there are unintended and even some intended consequences and you will have to answer for them. some of this is deeply problematic execution. some of this is what what a wide swath of critics would call heartless and in humane policy. this is how this works. >> there are a few people in the
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west wing. >> he luke's it that way. >> i thought immediately of you when i heard this. every once in a while in a rally the president tells us exactly what he thinks and means it 100%. there was this notion that he talked about criticism he gets from the so-called elites. >> that was amazing. >> let's play it. it was fascinating. >> the elite, the elite. why are they elite? i have a much better apartment than they do. [ applause ]. i'm smarter than they are. i'm richer than they are. i became president and they didn't. >> this is exactly what he thinks. >> yes. last i checked, none of us ran for president. it's not that this is just what he thinks because it is. he knows it will excite his supporters. this is about an insecurity of position. it suspect just ha, ha, i beat
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you. and, and you still don't accept me. that is the second half of that sentence. he spends time bashing the elites. wanted to be taken seriously in manhattan. felt he had been snubbed. he has the most expensive and important piece of property in the country. 1600 pennsylvania avenue. and he is still not taken seriously by the people who he wants to take him seriously. >> reporting about michael cohen and frustration over his mounting legal bills. the concern obviously i would imagine what this could amount to. >> i think these are all factors of the same issue, which is you have michael cohen, who has not been charged to have this raid ten weeks ago on his hotel room, apartment, office. we're still not sure what the feds are planning for him.
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they have not reached out for some kind of were cooperation. and by cooperation, i mean providing information to them about other cases, possibly the president. but, look, this is a lingering concern for the president and his attorneys. it is one that i think scares them more frankly than the mueller probe does because they believe it is likely to touch the president in a way that could be damaging. people are not sure what michael cohen knows, including his lawyers. there is a dispute over legal fees. the trump family feel they are getting held up by gunpoint for money. if you don't, you have something that could be very problematic for you. >> it is fascinating. the fact that he was still vice chair is crazy. the second thing is in his resignation letter, he made a point of criticizing the president's immigration policy, which felt to me like a bit of a message here. i'm not afraid to split from
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you. >> no question about that. i also think for people who are close to cohen tell me he has gotten the descriptions of him in the press i think have taken a toll on him. and i think that there is a degree to which he wants to make people not think that he is a monster and a pretty clean way to do that is to say you do not agree with this policy. it might have been a message as well. it is how michael cohen is perceived, as much as anything else. no one has a monday monopoly. what peter fonda is saying now. come here, babe.
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merge labor and education departments. the "washington post" said it would be the centerpiece of the long-awaited proposal to make washington function more effective effectively. it calls for streamlining the way the government provides benefits for low-income americans. it would need congress to take action. >> the fbi says the number of sexual assaults on commercial flights is up an alarming amount. cases have increased 66% just from 2014 through 2017. investigators say the numbers are likely higher because many cases have gone unreported. the bureau says the bulk are happening on red eye flights and where alcohol is being consumed. >> crazy numbers. peter fonda apologizing for the twitter rant where he said the president's's 12-year-old son should be ripped from his mother's arms and put in a cage with pedophiles. fonda said he was upset by the
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family separations at the border but admitted he went way too far. indeed. a spokeswoman for the first lady called it sick and irresponsible. we have said it many times. the president's son is off-limits. >> there's been so much reaction to these pictures. a lot of it coming into play for the president's reversal. what about the impact of evangelical leaders speaking out? how much did that come into play? ... ... ...
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president trump reversed his stance. how influential were they to getting the president to change course? the christian broadcasting network's david brody. i can always learn something when i get a chance to talk to you. you have been on the phone with a whole lot of people. do they think they pushed the president here to make this
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reversal? >> 100%? can i go higher -- i guess i can go higher than 100%. the statements in public, from ralph reed, sammy rodriguez, all of that made a difference. honestly, behind the scenes as well that this faith advisory counsel, look, they have been communicating with this white house, making known their displeasure about this. and because of that, we have seen clearly -- look, they're not going to say in publicly. the truth of the matter is they have been pushing the white house on this. it's been a big part of the reason why you see this executive order. >> it's interesting you say they won't say it publicly. there has been this line, even as franklin graham was critical of the policy. they won't criticize the president even though they know this was his choice. the white house. they did this. yet they won't criticize him for it. why? >> a couple of different reasons. they have a good relationship with this president. why mess it up?
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this is a good example, john, why it is important for evangelical leaders, conservatives especially to have influence with this president. they made a difference here on the immigration debate. quite frankly, there will be a lot of other public policy debates in the future. why ruin a relationship that can have serious impact. >> it is interesting. why mess it up on something that should be, is so amp net cal to their beliefs yet they refuse to reut size him publicly. it goes back to the statement that he could walk down 5th avenue and shoot somebody and not be criticized from his base. could he? >> well, i think that might be tough. but i will say this. look, i think what evangelical leaders have done here has been pretty good.
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there are two biblical principles. the principle of compassion, of law and order. as jeff sessions found out the other day, he went with law and order route but didn't throw in matthew 25, the compassion part. if you are going to do that. for people cherry-picking bible forces, you have to put the whole kid and kaboodle in there. they go matthew 25 and talk about the gospel. but if they're going to do that, how about talking about the pro live issue in terms of the unborn, in terms of compassion for the unborn. they cherry pick from a political advantage as well. >> i want to come back to jeff sessions and the bible in a second. i know you are talking to him a little bit later today. that's fascinating. back to this line of evangelical leaders and the president, does this show that there is a line? does this show that there is something to the extent he will
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go? >> i don't know if there's a line. if there is a line, it is a compassion line. this president has been very sensitive. sensitive to compassion? let me explain. i'm going to -- numerous times i have been with this president in certain situations. one was at a network anchors luncheon. he said as president you have to have heart. and he said as a businessman, i never really had had to deal with that. but in this case as president you have to. and it's been a different learning process for him, if you will. >> you can see that this morning. while he reversed parts of the policy that he created, they have no answers for the 2 thourbg 300 children aren't separated. that's astounding. you talked about jeff sessions
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citing the bible. what do you plan to press him on? >> there are a few leaders that had had an issue with that. we'll talk about that. that will be one thing. first of all, exactly what you just said. what happens to these 2,300 folks? we will talk about the flores agreement and how hard this will be. look, the obama administration tried in 2014, didn't have much success. what will attorney general sessions do about that? we will go through that. we will talk about the biblical prism this is all being seen through. that should be relatively fascinating. and his church condemning him. >> i can't wait to hear what he has to say about that. always an education to speak to you. thanks very much. >> thanks, john. super star cristiano ronaldo scoring big at the world cup. >> he's amazing. >> he is. >> this is amazing. let's just watch this all
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there are a lot of people vying for the number one fan spot. this is quickly becoming the ronaldo world cup. brought to you by ford going further so you can. he was at it again yesterday. he scored on a header in the fourth minute against morocco, his fourth goal of the world cup through two games. some people have been wondering why is he growing that facial hair? he usually doesn't have any. some think it is in response to messi taking pictures with goats.
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who is the greatest of all time? is it ronaldo? is it messi? messi gets to answer at 2:00 eastern today. >> a landmark moment. for the first time in 37 years, women were allowed to watch the team play in tehran. previously women were banned from watching men's sporting events and breaking the rules could result in fines or imprisonment. many posted selfies from inside the stadium documenting the moment. it remains to be seen whether it will be a permanent solution, allowing iranian women to watch sporting events. >> iran played fantastically. onto cristiano ronaldo, no one should be that good looking and that good at the same time. >> it's a burden for him, i'm sure. >> it's a burden. >> and he grows it because he can. i do think that's the other aspect of on it.
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>> you're not feeling jealous in any way. >> he is like the tom brady of soccer, good and good looking. nobody says that about me in the news. the trauma of separation. what happens to the 2,300 children separated from their parents? how do they feel this morning? how can they be helped? dr. sanjay gupta joins us next. so, dave here is taking the family up to the lake for the weekend. but without the white knuckles this time. 'cuz his new 2018 ford f-150 has blis with trailer coverage. it's brainiac smart. not only does it watch your f-150's blind spots, it's got your trailer covered too. just another reason why ford f-series is america's best-selling truck for 41 straight years. ♪ this is the new 2018 ford f-150. it doesn't just raise the bar, pal. it is the bar.
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you'll make my morning, buty the price ruin my day.ou? complicated relationship with milk? pour on the lactaid, 100% real milk, just without that annoying lactose. mmm, that's good.
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president trump's executive order to end family separations at the border does not include a plan to reunite 2,300 children who have already been taken from their families. heating experts are warning from the trauma that separation can have on the children not just now but throughout their lives. joining me is dr. sanjay gupta. as we look at this letter from the ama, they are saying very clearly they should not be separated. and they talk about the lasting
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impact saying families seeking refuge give emotional stress which is exacerbated when they are separated from one another. >>ed american pediatric association echoed the comments as well saying this goes against everything we sort of do as pediatricia pediatricians. there are long lasting effects. we are talking about toxic stress. there have been people who have been talking about this concept for years. but the basic gist of it is this. you go through some stressor in life and you have these physiological changes that occur in your body. when you're a young child, especially a child under the age of 5 in particular, those stressors are really buffered by being with a parent, being with someone who is actually providing a sort of accepts of
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comfort, something to actually alleviate the stress. if you have both these things, a significant rise in stress without the buffering, that's the toxic stress. that's what they are specifically talking about that can cause these longer lasting effects on the body and the brain. i was really struck by the fact that if you look at mental health disorders in adulthood, a third originate from a toxic event. and a whole host of physical effects as well. we have a list of things that are basically correlated with adverse childhood adversity and this toxic stress. you think how is that related exactly? heart disease, lung disease. that is because they self medicate. and the body actually changes because of the toxic stress.
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some of this i learned from talking to folks who deal with this on a day-to-day basis. this is real. we are seeing an example of it. but this happens throughout time. >> there is understandable concern, and there should be focus on children of all ages. but there is a lot made about tender age facilities of babies and toddlers. of the kids we're talking about now between the ages of 13 and 17. those are pivotal years for kids. how is it different when you are a teenager, when you are in adolescence? >> well, first of all, if you look at what's called the orr, office of refugee resettlement, most of the data is primarily on adolescence. the way they characterize it is people who are able to walk across the border. >> unaccompanied. >> haven't been separated. >> right. as poe opposed to people who are tender age. as we look through the resettlement data, there isn't a lot on children that young. on the adolescence, it's a lot of the same factors. you have toxic stress. they are still young kids.
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they lose sense of trust. within a few days they won't be able to respond as well, even if they're reunited with their parents. >> there have been studies written about too that focus on how these traumatic moments impact boys and girls differently. >> yes, absolutely. and i think we have some data showing basically who is coming across the border, how it breaks down by gender specifically. yeah, it seems to break down. it also breaks down by who actually is leaving them. is their mother or father leaving them. you can see the age and gender breakdown. it does seem to have an impact. when you get into the smaller, younger age group, there just isn't a lot of data on people that young. certainly not from orr. >> certainly doesn't mean there
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is not a lasting impact. the term child abuse has been used a lot. is that a legal term, a clinical term? >> i heard the term as well. it's interesting. i went to hhs specifically and asked them how they define it. you can look at the definition. there is a medical definition of child abuse. anything that basically incurs some sort of emotional trauma on a child. physical trauma obviously. if it's coming from a care taker or a parent. those are the definitions. clearly emotional trauma incurred especially at this age. their own definition is this constitutes child abuse. so it's pretty clear. >> dr. sanjay gupta, always appreciate it. thank you. thanks to our international viewers for watching. for you cnn talk is next. for u.s. viewers, "new day" continues right now. >> we don't like to see families separated.
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this takes care of the problem. >> making a big deal about an executive order which may do absolutely nothing for these 2,300 children is literally beyond belief. >> the president ordered for the families who come to the country remain together. >> there is a 20-day deadline. what happens in 20 days? we don't know. >> what republicans have to do is get democrats on the record. what is your solution to this? >> what you see is an administration that has been revealed to be a bunch of cruel, lying, incompetent fools. >> this is "new day" with alisyn camerota and john berman. >> good morning. welcome to your "new day". alisyn is off. after three weeks, she would enough of me. erica hill joins us this morning. the president did not like the picture, so he caved. after decide to go separate children from their parents at the bothered, the president reversed course and sne


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